Monday, April 22, 2013

Be Your Own Hero

It's official. Spring has forsaken us. So, what else can we do but shake our dry, cracked fists at the sky and get busy creating spring for ourselves? Whether through crafting, cooking, writing, beer-making, running or whatever you're into, let's consider channeling our thorny frustration into something that bursts with newness and energy. There's a certain punk rebellion in saying "forget it, I'm going to crank some Alabama Shakes and paint/craft/fix/write/sing/build/plant something." This way, you take back your power over everything you can't control, and create a little island of content for yourself.

And yes, I'll take the liberty of slapping myself now. Thank you and you're welcome. Now that I've recovered, know that I wholeheartedly forgive you/me. There's yet another winter storm on its way, and the events of our world have knocked the wind out of us. All the more reason to find a moment of quiet, close our eyes and connect with the goodness of humanity. Let's remember that the good will always, always win. Let's comfort ourselves and make a great meal or write something thoughtful or funny or honest. When the weather or the news or our country's many issues won't deliver warmth, abundance, security and well being, you've just gotta do it yourself. Or, like the banner on the wall of the YMCA told me as I shamelessly danced like this, but far worse: be your own hero.  

Today, for me, it's writing and watching my twin daughters harass each other on the floor while my husband cheers them on. And this week, one of my clients is launching a beautiful new website, so I'm having fun writing SEO copy that hopefully doesn't sound too awkward. The site features graphic elements that have a vintage yet polished feel. The communities this business serves are uber-quaint and historically rich so the site's look pays subtle homage. I love it when it all comes together and the details are deliberate and thoughtful. This is the joy of my work and the pleasure I take in collaborating with really talented folks like Jason Werownski of Minnesota Website Company.

Take heart. Stay warm. Be your own hero. 

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