As recommended on Linkedin:
“Let’s say you have the insanely good fortune of starting an NBA franchise from scratch. And let’s say LeBron James is a free agent and wants to play for your team. YOUR team! He even called you. You’d scoop him up in a New York minute, and then go figure out your ring size. Now swap ‘NBA franchise’ with your business, and swap LeBron James with an equally swaggerific Kate Rusciano, and you’re ready to take on all comers.
Kate is a phenomenal writer (and a ridiculously fast typist). She understands how words and stories spur engagement, shape culture, tug on emotions, and drive business results. She’s a sharp conversationalist who gets down to brass tax and makes sure everyone is on the same page and ready to plow forward. She knows that writing for email and your intranet and your newsletter and your blog and your website are not the same thing.
Hmph, and you wanted LeBron James. You can do better. Connect with Kate. Have a cup of coffee. Fire off an email to say you’re curious about what she brings to the table. Ask for a writing sample. Throw a stubborn communications issue her way. You can do better than LeBron, but not much better than Kate (I worked with her long enough to know this).”July 10, 2012
1st Randy Bunker, Manager, E-Growth and Digital Marketing, OptumHealth
worked directly with Kate at OptumHealth